If you are looking for a specific file or folder in your filesystem, you need to use the linux/mac/UNIX command find
Type in a terminal the following command:
find path -name "partial name"
Suppose, you want to run a search across the entire filesystem looking for a file called foo (or containing foo in its name), in this case your command becomes:
find / -name "*foo*"
1) If you really want to start the search from root, keep in mind that as normal user you could not access some directories, so put a sudo in front of the command to become superuser! :
sudo find / -name "*foo*"
2) If you start from root, your search will take some time....
3) You can save the results in a file called my_search.txt in this way:
sudo find / -name "*foo*"> my_search.txt
(the file my_search.txt will be created in your current directory, the one you get with the command pwd)
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