Sunday, December 15, 2019

ORACLE: Remove Whitespaces from a string

To remove whitespaces from a string use a regex:



Thursday, August 1, 2019

Replace/Remove Timestamps in Files with Notepad++


31.07.2019 21:47:47 Roses are Red
31.07.2019 21:47:50 Trees are Green
31.07.2019 21:47:50 Sky is Blue
31.07.2019 21:47:50 ...and a Black Hole is lurking in the centre of every fucking Galaxy!

Find what: \d{2}.\d{2}.\d{4} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}
Replace with: <what/you/like>

Replaced Text

00.00.0000 00:00:00 Roses are Red
00.00.0000 00:00:00 Trees are Green
00.00.0000 00:00:00 Sky is Blue
00.00.0000 00:00:00 ...and a Black Hole is lurking in the centre of every fucking Galaxy!

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Tutorial: How to use a compiled Matlab function in C#

In this small tutorial I will explain you:

  • How to compile a Matlab function into a DLL
  • Use the generated Matlab dll into a small C#-console program


  • VisualStudio 2015 or greater
  • Matlab 2018b 

Creating the .Net Matlab DLL

Create a matlab-file: MatlabThreeFunc.m

With the following content:

function [x2, sinx, expx]=MatlabThreeFunc(xIn)
% [x2, sinx, expx]=MatlabThreeFunc(xIn)
% Matlab test function

    sinx = sin(xIn);
    expx = exp(xIn);


As you see this simple function calculate the squared-, sin- and the exp- values of the input array xIn.

Navigate to the folder containing the file/function just created and execute the fololwing command:

mcc -W 'dotnet:MyMatlab.V2018b,WrapperClass,4.5,Private,local'  -T link:lib   ./MatlabThreeFunc.m;

This  will create a .Net dll, named V2018b.dll (version 4.5 of the Framework), containing a Class named WrapperClass and located in the namespace: MyMatlab.V2018b

In my My personal convention is to use part of the namespace (V2018b) to indicate which Matlab version I used to generate the dll. This is important when distributing your application. 

In my case, I want to run the application on other Computer I need to install the required Matlab Runtime 9.5 (=>

Using the DLL in a C# project

Create a new Console Application:

Before you add a reference to the Just created DLL (=> V2018b.dll) it is important that you remove the VisualStudio default setting Prefer 32 Bit, otherwise you'll get a Runtime Type Exception from the Matlab dll. (=> Since Version 2015b, Matlab is ONLY 64 bit!)

Remove"Prefer 32Bit" 

Add the TWO Matlab-References to your project:

  • V2018b.dll 
  • MWArray.dll (this is located under :  C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2018b\toolbox\dotnetbuilder\bin\win64\v4.0\MWArray.dll)

And now the code:


using System;
using MathWorks.MATLAB.NET.Arrays;

namespace MatlabFuncInCSharp
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)


            // a basic double-array for the tests
            double[] dArrayInput = new double[5] { 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 };

            // convert the C#-array into the equivalent MatLab class
            MWNumericArray matArrayInput = new MWNumericArray(dArrayInput);

            Console.WriteLine("Instantiating WrapperClass...");

            MyMatlab.V2018b.WrapperClass oWrapperClass = new MyMatlab.V2018b.WrapperClass();

            int iExpectedNumberOfOutputs = 3;  // we want ALL 3 outputs of "MatlabThreeFunc"

            Console.WriteLine("Callinng MatlabThreeFunc...");
            MWArray[] matOutput = oWrapperClass.MatlabThreeFunc(iExpectedNumberOfOutputs, matArrayInput);


            // matOutput contains 3 elements
            MWNumericArray matX2Array = (MWNumericArray)matOutput[0]; // casting required!
            MWNumericArray matSinXArray = (MWNumericArray)matOutput[1]; // casting required!
            MWNumericArray matExpXrray = (MWNumericArray)matOutput[2]; // casting required!

            Console.WriteLine("Converting output into C#-Arrays...");
            // back to the C#-world...
            double[] dX2array = (double[])matX2Array.ToVector(MWArrayComponent.Real);
            double[] dSinXarray = (double[])matSinXArray.ToVector(MWArrayComponent.Real);
            double[] dExpXarray = (double[])matExpXrray.ToVector(MWArrayComponent.Real);

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit!");

I hope you found this post useful. A small video would have been wayyyyyyyyyyy better but I don't have the time for it. 


Friday, April 26, 2019

C# Defining Application/User Settings: appSettings Vs. ApplicationSettings

Basically there are two WAYs to define settings for a C# Application:

Manually update the app.config xml file (and access the properties via ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["key1"]; )

 <add key="key1" value="value1"/>
 <add key="key2" value="value2"/>

Or you can Select your Project, then Properties and Settings:

( access the properties in the code with Properties.Settings.Default.TestEnvironment)

        <setting name="TestEnvironment" serializeAs="String">